
ISF Information for Schools

About the ASMS

The ´ºÉ«Ö±²¥ and Mathematics School located in Adelaide, South Australia is a place where extraordinary learning is driven by curiosity and challenge, inspiring passion and confidence in students and teachers alike.

The ASMS approach to learning differs from that offered at other schools, here we are focussed on student self-directed, self-determined and self-regulate learning allowing them to make meaningful decisions about their own individual learning; students’ inquiring mindsets are nurtured through our learning programs and school culture; and their actions and behaviours support, inspire and empower each other for students to do their best. At the ASMS we ensure diversity of perspectives, cultures, interests, and strengths bring a richness to our learning community.

Learn more about our ASMS approach to learning here.


This year, due to the large number of attendees joining us to celebrate 20 years of ISF we have 2 accommodation locations:

Both accommodation sites cater dormitory style bunking arrangements and provide breakfast, morning tea, afternoon tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. The only difference between the two is their locations!

Students will be allocated dorms based on their birth gender, there will be no mixed-gender dorms.

Please note: Accommodation, meals, and snacks are not provided for SA metropolitan schools, they will need to bring their own food. There is a cafeteria onsite which they are welcome to visit.

Challenge Based Learning

Students and teachers choose one Challenge Based Learning activity to participate in for the week which will give them the opportunity to delve specifically into that direction within our 2024 theme, Engineering A Future.

What is Challenge Based Learning?

Challenge Based Learning (CBL) allows students to engage in activities that allow them to authentically investigate challenges through a variety of lenses free from prejudice and bias.

Each challenge activity is rich, engaging, meaningful and practical. Students work through the challenge based learning approach to develop solutions for their chosen activity using the elements of innovation, creativity and efficiency.

Please note:

Due to duty of care and student to staff ratio compliance students will NOT be able to change their CBL once they have arrived, they are to participate in the CBL that has been submitted before their arrival. We recommend speaking with your students and having them read through the CBL descriptions before choosing an activity.

Challenge Based Learning Activities


Engineering a future for agriculture, whether new types of plant, where crops can be grown, replacements for or innovation in livestock farming. The use of drones? Embedded sensors? Big data analysis?

Artificial Intelligence / Cyber Security

Engineering a future cybersecurity landscape that protects the interests of… whom? Could you develop a piece of code for a purpose? Train an AI model to overcome a bias? Apply ideas from AI to put decision-making power in more hands?

Atmospheric Science

Engineering a future for the atmosphere. How will we manage CO2 levels? How will we work with large scale weather systems? What about global drivers of climatic patterns? Can we predict accurately enough?

Future Materials

Engineering relies on developing new materials to solve problems. Is it about wearable technology? Novel uses of material to replace plastics? Rapid ability to create structures far from home? Materials to improve the efficiency of energy generation? Reduce the reliance on other critical resources? Minimise the need for rare earths?

Indigenous Australian Perspectives

Engineering a future building on existing local Kaurna and other local and Australian Indigenous knowledge.

Medical and Health

Engineering a future of increased health span – how do we live better for longer? Is there a way to improve individual or public health that you want to explore? How about the new engineering of body parts? Data tracking and analysis for individualised medicine?


Engineering a future for the sustainable use of resources – what implications are there for water management? Land use and competing demands? The support of fragile ecosystems? Energy production, storage and sharing around the world? How can we take active steps?


What future are we engineering for space? Is it about the design of space craft? Habitats for Mars and beyond? Frameworks for equitable division of new resources? Measurement techniques and astronomical innovation?

Your Own Challenge

If there is a way you would like to explore Engineering A Future that doesn’t fit within any of these areas, this is the opportunity to articulate it!


Each CBL except Choose Your Own Challenge contains an excursion component. Each excursion aims to enhance student’s learning and understanding which they can apply to their research project presentations. Students will travel to their excursion in one of three formats: Adelaide Metro public transport, chartered bus or on foot.


The Australian lifestyle is known to be relaxed and laidback, our approach to learning however can be a little different. With a focus on teaching and learning we expect students and teachers both to actively engage in their chosen CBL activity to pursue Engineering A Future, and to help and assist one another through the sharing of knowledge.

All students and teachers are expected to participate in all learning activities and excursions from their chosen CBL. Due to duty of care and student to staff ratio compliance students will NOT be able to change their CBL once they have arrived, they are to participate in the CBL that has been submitted before their arrival.


The ASMS is excited to welcome you to our school for this week of Challenge Based Learning. In addition to time spent at school, students and teachers will also have an afterhours program of activities hosted by the ASMS’ International Ambassadors and our teachers which will include visits to local Adelaide sights, and the chance to see and meet local Australian wildlife.

Forms and links

Participating Schools

Presentation Information


Poster size: A0

Please ensure your posters are printed prior to arriving in Adelaide.

Seminar Presentations

Seminar presentations are to be 5-minute oral presentations by students accompanied by a slide presentation on a chosen researched topic.

Teachers are asked to prepare a short presentation to share with the visiting and ASMS teaching group. More information will be released to teachers in early August by Lara Lang.


ISF Week schedule – coming soon

Document Submission Schedule

DocumentsDue Dates
School RegistrationFeb 11 2024
Attendee InformationMay 17 2024
Student & Teacher CBL SelectionJuly 5 2024
Student Research Presentation InformationJuly 19 2024
Group Flight InformationAugust 2 2024

What to Bring/Pack

Visitors will need to pack the below items:

Weather in Adelaide

September is the first month of spring in Australia, however the weather can still be quite cool and rainy even during the day.

We recommend packing items of clothing that can be worn in layers as the school building can become warm during the day.

More Information

For any queries regarding the ASMS ISF please contact the schools International Services & Student Programs Manager, Shannon Sellar.