
Personalised Mentoring

Type of learning: Mentoring Workshop
´¡³Ü»å¾±±ð²Ô³¦±ð:ÌýIndividual or small group
¹ó´Ç°ù³¾²¹³Ù:ÌýAs negotiated online or face-to-face
°Õ¾±³¾±ð:ÌýAs negotiated
Location: ´ºÉ«Ö±²¥ and Mathematics School, Kaurna Country, Flinders University

These mentorship sessions are for educators looking for tailored one-on-one mentorship around implementing their own interdisciplinary curriculum, advice around assessment and moderation, as well as other innovative maths and science teaching.

Sessions are co-designed between ASMS professional learning team and participants. To organise your mentorship workshop, get in contact with us below.